Artificial Intelligence for culture: ethical challenges

Абрамова Анна Владимировна
кандидат экономических наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой цифровой экономики и искусственного интеллекта группы компаний АДВ МГИМО, Москва, Россия

Рыжкова Анастасия Игоревна
научный сотрудник центра искусственного интеллекта МГИМО, Москва, Россия

Церех Юлия Константиновна
младший научный сотрудник, руководитель Пресс-службы центра искусственного интеллекта МГИМО, Москва, Россия

The report provides comprehensive state-of-the-art analysis in the field of AI implementation in culture and discusses the future trends and issues regarding ethical challenges. It also covers integration processes and the use of digital technologies on the different life-cycle stages of culture objects. The authors propose that it makes possible to assess perception and further implementation of AI as well as understanding of ethical challenges in this field. The authors classify the existing AI technology stack in the field of culture and raise the discussion about the future challenges related to AI.

The research is structured on two main blocks, the first one covers the current level of digitalization and options for AI implementation, the second one raises the ethical issues connected with the new forms of art relying on AI as a central element.

On the analysis provided it is possible to form a comprehensive vision of the culture sphere development in the digital era taking AI as a main ethical challenge. As well as implementing the approaches discussed in the research for elaboration of AI related development strategies and approaches.

Ключевые слова: business consultant and academical researcher