On issue of psychology of an actor’s personality: adapted from the longitudinal study data

Sobkin, Vladimir Samuilovich
D.Sc. in Psychology, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Center for Sociology of Education, Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia

Lykova, Tatiana Anatolievna
PhD in Psychology, Leading Researcher, Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education,
Assistant Professor, History, Philosophy and Literature Department, GITIS, Moscow, Russia

The results of a complex longitudinal sociopsychological study are discussed. This study was held at Oleg Tabakov's Moscow Theater School in 2010-2018 and was aimed at the investigation of personal changes in student actors throughout their professional socialization.
Student actors’ personal features were assessed by means of Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test when they started their studies in the school and on different stages of learning process (1, 2, 3, and 4 year). The results of comparative analysis of the data are also discussed, including the results of nowadays students of theatre school and the disciples of Oleg Tabakov’s theatre workshop in 1970-80-ss (GITIS and the Moscow Academic Art Theatre, MHAT). The specifics of accentuation and structural changes of the relationship of personal features are considered.
It is demonstrated that both on the stage of preliminary professional selection and throughout learning process, solid personal structures (clusters of personal qualities) are distinguished and established in students. These structures are of key significance for the formation of the subject of acting. Moreover, a number of important personal features are revealed that contribute to the implementation of “me-role-spectator” stage interaction.

Keywords: dramatic aptitude, acting creativity, psychology of artistic creation