Replacement of the anthropological principle of coding with digital one: advantages and disadvantages

Losik, George Vasilievich
D.Sc. in Psychology, Professor, Chief Research Fellow, Laboratory of Computer Graphics, United Institute of Information Problems of the NAS, Minsk, Belarus

An analysis of the stages of perceptogenesis of encoding figurative inform in the human brain during its phylogenesis and an analysis of the digital genesis of information encoding in a computer are carried out. The presence in the coding of a material carrier of information in the form of a three-dimensional, then two-dimensional, then one-dimensional, and finally zero-dimensional material substance is interpreted.
The connection between the ways of encoding information in perceptogenesis and digital genesis with the appearance of scales is considered. In the study, the coding of figurative information is called anthropological coding of meaning. It is proved that digital genesis tends to develop in the opposite direction than perceptogenesis in humans.

Keywords: methods of information coding, matter-independent coding, anthropological principle of information coding