Living in a digital world. Generation Z's view of the transformation of modern society
Bresler, Mikhail Grigorevish PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, History and Oriental Science, USPTU, Ufa, Russia
Khamatzyanova, Rozalina Rimalevna Senior Lecturer, Department of International Relations, History and Oriental Science, USPTU, Ufa, Russia
Abstract The transition to a new stage of civilizational development to an information/digital society is accompanied by alarming forecasts related to the rapid development of big data, AI and other technologies that change the foundations of human existence.
Among the general population, a fear of the widespread implementation of digital technologies is growing, which can lead to the destruction of both the existing interpersonal and intergroup relations, as well as cause a personality destruction. Research on generation-Z, the younger generation of the digital environment, shows that a significant part of the fears are unfounded. According to many experts and the authors' own research, generation Z (= centinials) are pragmatic and prone to multitasking. A network rootedness, commitment to their own communities and at the same time tolerant attitude to the values of other communities are revealed among the generation-Z representatives. In general, there is a positive perception of the digital sphere, in which the Centinials themselves reside and to which they are ready to adapt the representatives of the older generation. The study was carried out within the framework of the cluster paradigm of the information and communication method.
The article presents the results of the own interdisciplinary research of generation Z - while 2021-2022. During the discussion, the authors oppose the supporters of transhumanism and a number of other alarmist trends in modern thought.
The practical significance of the study is to deepen knowledge about the younger generation, which will clarify the predictive models, as well as make some improvements in the field of interaction with the younger generation.