Narratives, algorithms and tentative control in the gamification process

Cortes, Dinis Ferreira
PhD in Communication Sciences, Postgraduate Program in Communication Sciences - University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Rio Grande do Sul, Member of Research Group of the Epistemology of Communication (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq), coordinated by Jairo Ferreira, Editor of the Mediaticom and the Media of the International Seminar on Mediatization and Social Processes, São Leopoldo, Brazil

Ferreira, Jairo Getulio
Professor, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil

In this communication presents a theoretical and methodological perspective for the analysis of platforms, in relation to algorithms and interaction, from the lineage of mediatization investigations and social processes. Epistemologically, it presents the perspective of algorithms as a means of means (of content, programming, indexing and interaction), central to the expansion of social capital (economic, cultural and political). In interfaces, Syd Field (2001) with the idea of building characters and the conception of turning points in and the concept of gamification proposed by Garris, Ahlers, Driskell (2002) called Game Cycle. Methodologically, it argues the need to analyze micro the means (through stratification and topologization) in relation to social uses and reception, as a path to inferences that favor denser analyzes at the meso and macro analytical levels. As corpus we selected the game-movie Black Mirror – Bandersnatch (Netflix) and the movie-game The Dark Pictures Anthology – Man of Medan. By analogies, observations were also considered as analogical hypotheses with other movie-games such as Late Shift.

Keywords: mediatization; platforms; algorithms; narratives; gamification; Netflix; Man of Medan