«To check the harmony with algebra»: is it possible to assess the quality of art education?
Ryzhinsky, Alexander Sergeevich D.Sc. in Art, Professor, Rector of the Gnesins Academy, Moscow, Russia Loring@list.ru
Abstract Art education, like art, is constantly evolving. This development manifests itself both in the birth of new educational programs and in methodical changes of already existing, reputable academic programs. In addition to the natural evolution of art education, there is also the development of approaches to quality assessment of training of art graduates. In the Russian Federation, these approaches are regulated by a set of legal documents and are mainly universal, independent of the content specifics of educational programs. Over the last 15 years, approaches to state assurance of the quality of teaching have been constantly changing. This process, however, is caused not by the transformation of educational technologies, but by the change of concepts developed by the main state regulators of education. At the same time, two main trends are observed:
aiming at universality of requirements of federal state educational standards;
development of institutions for professional accreditation and independent assessment of education quality.
The main problems here are:
lack of selection criteria for organizations authorized to perform professional accreditation;
lack of uniform objective approaches to quality assessment of teaching in art universities;
lack of uniform professional competencies in federal state educational standards.
development of unified assessment tools by art universities and professional community;
introduction of new federal state standards providing a unified educational space in the Russian Federation;
development of objective criteria to create a register of organizations for professional accreditation and independent assessment of the quality of teaching.
Keywords: art education, professional accreditation, accreditation monitoring, independent assessment of the quality of teaching