Neural network technologies for urban conflict resolution
Raskhodchikov, Aleksey Nikolaevich PhD in Sociology, Moscow Center of Urban Studies “City”, Moscow, Russia
Pilgun, Maria Alexandrovna D.Sc. in Linguistics, Professor, Leading Researcher, Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory, RSSU, Moscow, Russia
Abstract The report presents an algorithm for analyzing opinion in social media using cases of urban planning conflicts about changing the cities' historical architectural appearance. The data for the study borrowed from blogs, messengers, forums, reviews, video hosting services, thematic portals, online and print media, TV. To analyze the content of social media, a multimodal approach was used. It involved neural network technologies, text analysis, sentiment analysis, analysis of word associations and content analysis. The authors conclude: the dynamics of communication processes in the information space is characterized by an escalation of the conflict between residents, builders and city authorities. The study offers some prospects of conflicts resolution
Keywords: social stress, urban conflict, social media data, neural network technologies