Development of the expert community of charitable projects (panel discussions)

Senior Vice-rector of MIPT University E.V. Anokhova,
Director of MIPT Buisness-school Maria V. Sigova

The project is devoted to charity in Russia in the context of national cultural code.
Is it possible to break the established paradigm that charity is a feat, and not an everyday action? What is the difference between charitable projects and social entrepreneurship and volunteering? How can social entrepreneurship projects become profitable and is this always possible? What problems do foundations and autonomous non-profit organizations face when partnering with business in charitable projects? How foundations and NPOs should interact with business strategies of high-tech companies?
Our speakers focus on the challenges faced by foundations, autonomous NPOs and business partners of charitable initiatives, and in general—at forming strategies for effective interaction between charitable actors and businesses.

The roundtable will be attended by
Business representatives,
MIPT graduates,
Senior Vice-rector of MIPT University Elena V. Anokhova,
Director of MIPT Business School Maria V. Sigova,
Director of Landau Phystech School of Physics and Research, MIPT University, Andrey V. Rogachev,
President of the Sistema Charitable Foundation, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the European University at St. Petersburg, member of the Board of the Donor Forum and the Development Fund of the Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox University of Humanities Elena P. Chernyshkova,
Director of autonomous NPO Clever Laboratory, Advisor of educational programs of the Charitable Foundation Sistema Julia E. Selyukova,
Director of the Center for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector, HSE University, Irina V. Mersiyanova,
Executive Director of the EUSP Fund, Chairman of the Board of the National Endowment Association Svetlana N. Lavrova,
Director of the Philanthropist Endowment Fund Lyudmila Yu. Panteleeva

4:00 PM – opening, the Director of MIPT Business School Maria V. Sigova

4:10 PM – welcome speech by the Senior Vice-rector of MIPT University
Elena Vladimirovna Anokhova

4:20 PM – Director of the Center for Studies of Civil Society and Nonprofit Sector, HSE University Irina V. Mersiyanova

The landscape of philanthropy in modern Russia

4:35 PM – Director of autonomous NPO Clever Laboratory, Advisor of educational programs of the Charitable Foundation Sistema Julia E. Selyukova

Interaction between business and non-profit organizations

5:50 PM – Executive Director of the EUSP Fund, Chairman of the Board of the National Endowment Association Svetlana N. Lavrova

Endowments—perpetual deposits in Russia: History, modernity, prospects

5:05 PM – Director of the Philanthropist Endowment Fund Lyudmila Yu. Panteleeva

Ready-made platforms for endowment funds in the educational sphere

5:20 PM – Leading Research Fellow, Budget Policy Research Laboratory, RANEPA, Assistant Professor, Humanities & Social Sciences Center, MIPT University, Anastasia V. Kireeva

Analysis of modern approaches to the audit of state programs and investment projects

5:40 PM – student of MIPT Business School Azat M. Magdanov

The SciWay project: a digital platform for onboarding co-executors for scientific projects and searching for external scientific expertise

5:50 PM – speech by the student of Landau Phystech School of Physics and Research, MIPT University Elena V. Lanina

Experience in implementing the program “Mentor” at the Landau Phystech School of Physics and Research