Artificial intelligence, security, ethics, technologies, trust

Avetisyan, Harutyun Ishkhanovich
Director of the RAS Ivannikov Institute for System Programming (ISP RAS),
Head of the Joint Laboratory with Samsung, ISP RAS,
Head of NVIDIA Research Center at ISP RAS, Professor, Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, MIPT University, head Departments of System Programming, CMC MSU, MIPT University and the Faculty of Computer Science, HSE University, Academician the Russian Academy of Sciences, D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Moscow, Russia


Artificial intelligence (AI) technology becomes ubiquitous in the modern world, and the problem of trust in the AI field becomes more relevant. When the AI security is being delivered without underlying ethical principles, it leads quickly to the “digital concentration camps,” where human rights and freedoms would be constantly violated, and human actions would be controlled via specialized devices. Thus there is a great need in developing ethical principles of the AI field as well as developing technologies proving AI level of trust that are required to implement those principles.
This talk will include the short description of the AI state of the art, and then it will present the results of The ISP RAS Trusted AI Research Center. The center is founded in 2021 and performs research and development works in collaboration with leading Russian universities and IT companies.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, security, ethics, technologies, trust