Analytical philosophy of consciousness and socio-cultural strategies of the modern world

Skvorchevskiy, Konstantin Anatoljevich
D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, PhD in Philosophy, Assistant Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences Center, MIPT University, Moscow, Russia


For a long time the basic socio-cultural strategies of the modern world have been under the explicit or implicit influence of the postmodern project of "disappearance" or "dissolution" of man. Such an approach would seem to guarantee the success of the global consciousness management system being created. But today other strategy options are required. In our opinion, the development of a modern analytical philosophy of consciousness can be considered a very promising option for a new anthropological project. Of interest here are not only individual concepts of consciousness presented in the works of D. Searle, D. Dennett, D. Chalmers and others, but the implicit and often unspoken assumption of the image of a person and the principles of his activity.
For modern consciousness management technologies three key characteristics of the image of consciousness constructed in the analytical philosophy of consciousness are of fundamental importance. The first is the special role of subjective experiences of "qualia", which have self-certainty and are a very convenient means of influencing the subject's attitude to the events of the surrounding world (this is what marketers first began to use). The second is systematic criticism in the philosophy of consciousness of the ontological dualism of consciousness, that is, of any ideas about a Transcendent Being beyond the control of man. And, finally, very subtle substitution of the category of thinking in the Cartesian understanding by the category of consciousness. Cartesian thinking is, first of all, the power of doubt, of self-criticism. The current consciousness, on the contrary, is convinced of the self-evidence of its own rightness, and therefore becomes an easy target of external controlling influences.

Keywords: philosophy of consciousness, mind-body problem, mental causality, qualia, ontological dualism, transcendentalism, critical thinking