Museum as a mirror of Art new technologies

Burganova, Maria Alexandrovna
D.Sc. in Art History, Professor, Head of Monumental Sculpture Department, the Moscow Art and Industry Academy named after S.G. Stroganov, Academician, the Russian Art Academy, Moscow, Russia

The article focuses on the specifics of modern museums, positioning themselves as museums of the future. The author considers a new format in the world of museums on the example of Museum of the Future in Dubai by Killa Design, Buro Happold and Mattara bin Lahej.
The work makes an accent in building museums around the world. This follows from the unique purpose of the objects – their potential to become a symbol of the city and create its positive image in the public mind.
Studing new museums' buildings, the author identifies several trends:
architectural monuments' expression, a transformation of museums' concept, etc.
Now the museum is a place for educational programs, an opportunity to test your creative abilities.
In a whole, the modern museum, which has chosen many options for the future, is a kind of intellectual, communicative, public center with augmented reality & additive technologies.

Keywords: Dubai Future Museum, Shaun Killa, Killa Design, Buro Happold, Mattar ben Lahej, augmented reality, additive technologies