Panel discussion "Studying mental health problems in the student community"
Moderator Rogachev, Andrey Vyacheslavovich PhD in in Physics and Mathematics, Director of the Landau Phystech School of Physics and Research, MIPT University, Moscow, Russia
Zakharov, Ilya Alexandrovich Bachelor, Chairman of Students' Council, MIPT University, Dolgoprudny, Russia
Abstract Report contains the results of the analysis of data collected as part of the MIPT Student Psychological Health Monitoring (1800 completions). A representative sample of 1039 people was formed, reproducing the socio-demographic structure of MIPT students. The stated conclusions and proposals were drawn up taking into account the experience of other universities, consultations with psychologists and based on the results of the monitoring. In total, 1810 MIPT students took part in the survey, which is 22.3% of the total number of MIPT students. The first section of the survey contains questions from the WHO Self Reporting Questionnaire (hereinafter - SRQ) with a binary response. The SRQ is used to assess the mental health of the interviewee. The second section contains Oxford Happiness Questionnaire - Short Form (hereinafter - OHQ). OHQ is a common test for determining a respondent's level of happiness. As part of the study, we identified risk groups in the student environment and various correlations between the studied parameters. Methodological recommendations were formulated for the work of the university in the field of students' psychological health. Methodological recommendations are formulated for the work of the university in the field of psychological health of different groups of students and university ethics, taking into consideration both the administrative and teaching staff, students and student communities.
Keywords: mental health and wellbeing, psychological conditions, sociology of education, educational environment, quantitative research, youth, student community
Speakers Zakharov, Ilya Alexandrovich Bachelor, MIPT University, Dolgoprudny, Russia
in collaboration with
Goldstein, Klim Dmitrievich Post-graduate Student, Junior Research Fellow, MIPT University, Dolgoprudny, Russia
Pomogaev, Daniil Dmitrievich Bachelor, MIPT University, Dolgoprudny, Russia
Bugrova Alisa, Denisovna Bachelor, MIPT University, Dolgoprudny, Russia